Code: XLVATi-PT-001
This workbook uses HMRC's production APIs to access a user's MTD for VAT account.
Businesses and Agents alike can authorise up to a maximum of just one government gateway ID using this workbook.
The government gateway ID that successfully authorises access to a MTD account will be stored for subsequent use within the workbook.
Any number of Company / Client names and VRNs can be entered and stored within this workbook to promote continuity and simplification.
Set Up:
After downloading the bridging tool, you will need to grant authority for the workbook to access your MTD for VAT account. You will need your government gateway ID and associated password to hand in order to complete this authority. Here's a quick video on what 'granting authority' looks like.
Tip: It's a good idea to make sure you have completed your MTD registration before you use the bridging tool. If your MTD registration is incomplete, HMRC will allow you to grant authority to the bridging tool but will not allow you to access your MTD VAT account. This means that even though you will have granted authority, you will not be able to do things like view your Obligations or submit your VAT returns.
Switching Bridging Tool:
If you need to switch your bridging tool, all you need to do is grant authority to your new bridging tool as described above.
Upon purchase you will be sent a confirmation email. Included within this email will be your personal download URL. You will be able to download your bridging tool from this URL.
If you have any questions, either pre or post purchase, please do ask.